In this program you will have access to theoretical and practical resources, to experts and to a regional network of changemakers.
Being part of the BiPP will allow you to develop your innovative pro-nature project further, widen your knowledge and leadership on biodiversity, benefit from the support of a community of peers, increase your impact and alignment.
Beyond the incredible variety of landscapes and the wild diversity of species, Southern Africa is a high-spirited region on biodiversity issues and has a long history of biodiversity protection and community-based natural resources management.
Southern Africa gathers numerous changemakers who create solutions to global and local challenges: their projects mitigate climate change effects, rebalance the ecosystems against the invasive species, rethink the exploitation of natural ressources, promote preservation values, reinvent tourism, banking or agricultural practices.
The Biodiversity Partners Program accompany this trend so that projects combining biodiversity conservation and socio-economic development in Southern Africa are fully sustainable.
The BiPP is composed of 3 phases, over 4 months, and is organized to be compatible with participants' professionnal activities.
This stage gives you the opportunity to gain strong knowledge on:
Module 1: Deep ecology
Module 2: Biodiversity
Module 3: System thinking and complexity
Module 4: Indigenous knowledge systems
This one-week on-site sprint is based on human-centered design, in order for you to conceive new solutions with your peers and your mentor and refine your project. The week will also include an immersive session into the wild, so that you can physically feel the interconnection with nature.
It also includes Module 5 on Leadership.
This stage brings you tools, support and network to strengthen your project:
Module 6: Packing business identity (branding) and storytelling
Module 7: Accessing (biodiversity) funding and finding suitable partnerships
Module 8: Writing proposals and pitching
Our whole society is embedded in nature, but we seem to have lost contact with the vital advantages it provides. This module presents ecosystem services and how they can be a huge contributor to reconcile human needs and biodiversity considerations, and how to consider the value of what nature brings to us.
Reappropriation of indigenous knowledge that made humans « custodians of the earth » is a strong step to create a peaceful environment for sustainable futures. This module intends to explore African indigenous ecology as a resource for today’s challenges.
In a world full of uncertainty, knowing how to untangle the complexity due to economic, environmental and social events helps focus on what can be essential. This module explores the human-nature interactions from a systems thinking perspective in order to fuel our capacity of adaptation and decision.
Developing a deep relationship with the living beings
Deep ecology is a powerful tool to feel the connections between us and the rest of life on earth. Its philosophy is based on the intrinsic value of every living being and the need of meaningfulness beyond economic valuation. From the recognition to the acceptance of the magnitude of the human-nature links, deep ecology is a journey toward gratitude and action.
« We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect ».
- Aldo Leopold
Empowerment to efficient action and project viability
With all the knowledge previously generated through Biodiversity Challenges, Indigenous Knowledge, Systems Thinking and Deep Ecology, the Design sprint is crucial to turn the reflection into action. The Business Sprint is a transformative step for project holders to refine, confront, and unpack their ideas, so as to increase their projects’ concrete impacts.
Tools, support and network to strengthen your project
Acting for biodiversity also means working in collective intelligence to increase the chances of success and a greater positive impact. The BiPP offers an access to a diversity of actors and practical help to improve the feasability and the viability of your project.